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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Deuteronomy 27: Cursed are those

Deuteronomy 27: The Inscribed Stones and the Altar on Mount Ebal / Twelve Curses

Moses has wrapped up the regulations that the Lord has given to the Israelites from Mount Horeb. Now it is time for some blessings and curses, and maybe some narrative if we're lucky. The key theme will still be "follow the Lord," but the mode of this communication will change.

The Inscribed Stones and the Altar on Mount Ebal: Deuteronomy 27.1-10
Moses and the elders of Israel - people that will not enter the promised land because of God's destruction of the wandering generation - give the people a commandment. When they enter the promised land, they are to set up large stones on Mount Ebal and cover them with plaster. An altar is to be built there of stone - one which iron tools have not touched. The words of God's commandments are to be inscribed there. This is were the Israelites shall make sacrifices.

Moses and the levitical priests then inform Israel: "This very day you have become the people of the Lord your God" (Deut. 27.9). Through following God's commandments the ancient covenant with their ancestors has been reestablished in them.

On Metaphor.
The fact that no tools are used in construction of the altar jells with the commandment that no false idol is to be made. That is, a sacred space of the Lord is not to be constructed by humans' tools, just as humans' tools are incapable of properly constructing an image of God. Also, to mark the stones with tools would desecrate them, bestowing a profane mark on a holy object. The stones of the altar are to be separate - just as Israel is a separate people.

Twelve Curses: Deuteronomy 27.11-26
Moses further charges the people that when they enter the promised land they should split the tribes in half. Six tribes will stand on Mount Gerizim to receive the blessing of the people: Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, Benjamin. Six tribes will stand on Mount Ebal to receive the curse: Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali. Then the Levites will warn the Israelites of twelve curses to which they will respond "Amen."

"Cursed be anyone who..."
  1. Makes an idol
  2. Dishonors father or mother
  3. Moves a neighbor's boundary marker
  4. Misleads a blind person on the road,
  5. Deprives an alien, orphan, or widow of justice
  6. Lies with his father's wife
  7. Lies with an animal
  8. Lies with his sister (or sister-in-law)
  9. Lies with his mother-in-law
  10. Kills a neighbor in secret
  11. Takes a bribe to shed innocent blood
  12. Anyone who does not observe these laws
Of these, 4 are concerned with family life, 3 with social justice, 2 with worship/proper practice before the Lord, 2 with murder, and 1 with having sex with animals. For that matter, 4 are concerned with sex.


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